
Here you will find recent news stories about Miracles In Sight as well as relevant, up-to-date information about the eye banking industry.

Donor Family Story: Barry Parris

When Barry was in his early 20s he was in an accident by a drunk driver. He had severe brain trauma and had a 5% chance of living through the night after immediate brain surgery. As you know he lived many many years after. He was such a fighter. He taught himself how to walk and write again. Built his little small house on his own , but of course with little help here and there from family and friends. He has lived on a fixed income since his early 20s but he had such a giving heart and was always helping those less fortunate. Ive never known anyone with such a big and caring heart.  If someone was hungry he would feed them. Even if he didnt have much to give them he would give them something. He had such a sense of humor and was always the joker and the flirt. He NEVER ever met a stranger. When I would take him to the doctors office he had to speak to everyone there in the waiting room and always finished with “God Bless” ! I am going to miss him tremendously! My heart really hurts and I feel a huge void in my life but I do know he is with my mama in heaven and that gives me some comfort. Also, gives me some comfort knowing that even after he was gone he was able to help someone else. This is something that I know he would have wanted.  Barry lived the biggest part of his life with severe mental and physical handicaps but was always very adamant about doing things himself. 

Inspiration. Collaboration. Innovation.